Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Kukup Trip 21st - 22nd Feb

Yoz all! Regarding the trip this coming Sat, here are what the organiser have lined up for us...

Meeting Time: 9AM @ NUS OR
930AM - 945AM @ GP Petronas

Thos who cant make it at those timings or you're late and dont know the way, can wait for Haikal. He will be on his way at 2PM.


Day 1:
0900..................NUS move off
0930-1000...........Meet @ GP Petronas
1000-1030...........Latecomers + Safety Briefing
1030 SHARP.........Move out for PAINTBALL!!
12NooN..............Reach Paintball ---> Commencement of "Live Firing" @ each other!
1400(2pm)..........Tanjong Piai/Camwhoring Session/Lunch (Not include in package, Ownself provide)
1500.................Reach Kukup/Relax & Chillz/OTOT (Own time own target)
1800(6pm)..........SEAFOOD DINNER!!!! yum yum!
1900 onwards.......Fireworks and whatever you like....

Day 2:
0900-1000...........Reveille Time (Means Wake UP!)/Breakfast
1000-1100...........Pack Up
1100-1200...........Kelong Tour
1200-1400...........Lunch/Coconut Jelly (I guess thats dessert)
1400-1600...........Home Sweet Home

Bring MONEY!
RM80-85 for Lodging + Dinner onwards
RM20-40 for Petrol (depends on your bike)
RM60-80 for Fireworks/1st day lunch/Coconut Jelly
RM35 for Paintball

Total roughly per person = RM200 (which is arnd SGD80-90??)

-Wear clothes that you will never wear to school when meet at GP. In HW's words, "FCUK(Not the brand, rearrange the letters accordingly) up clothes". (Meet at NUS I dont know. Will update after asking boss - joking, wear as mentioned)

-Can wear raincoat for paintball also (I can try getting the NRC raincoat by this week. But you guys need to collect from me)

-Confirmation SMS will be sent on Thurs

Any DOUBTS please do call Hongwei @ 94597410.
No Doubt also just call him to say HI.

That's all for now. Do check the blog at least once a day after 2359HRS for any other updates.

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